How Can I Create Experience and Build Community?

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How do you change an apartment complex from a facility, into a home? The simple answer: Build community and create experiences for your residents. That feeling of homeyness is something everyone desires in a residence.

“Without social interactions, an apartment is only a place to exist for a portion of the day. But with meaningful experiences and lasting friendship, it becomes a home.”

Forbes Magazine

But what does that have to do with your fitness center?

Building community means bringing residents together and giving them meaningful experiences outside their apartment walls. Your fitness offering can have the power to do these things and beyond - with the right tools.

We partner with brands that bring you industry leading technology, management, and programming so that it engages your residents and strengthens the feeling of community. Pull your residents out of their apartments and into your fitness center to enjoy the offering. The following are some of the tools we love to use to bring in residents to create genuine experiences and build community. 

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What Is It? 

Wellbeats is an on-demand fitness provider that delivers fitness classes, workout plans, and fitness assessments to users anytime, anywhere.

How Does It Work?

You have a choice of anywhere from a 22” to a 70” touch screen. You install the screen in your fitness room in a more open space, with a couple accessories nearby. Then your residents can walk up at any time and benefit from one of the 450+ Classes, 12+ Workout Plans, or even 3 Fitness Tests! Additionally, group training classes are available, which means residents can mingle in a group training session. With regularly refreshed content, there will always be new classes to choose from!

What if you set up and advertised a Wellbeats class every week at 5 PM? This is a great way to motivate and bring your residents together. This makes Wellbeats a highly effective tool for building community. 

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What Is It?

In an industry where technology is gaining traction, networked fitness is becoming a must, something residents will look for when searching for their new home. More people coming to your fitness center means more people gathering in a common space, meeting their neighbor and their neighbor’s neighbor! 

How Does It Work?

All Precor Cardio with P62 and P82 networked consoles gain access to a whole new fitness experience and offering. Powered by the Preva network, operators can monitor their equipment, communicate with exercisers, and personalize exerciser experience with innovative features, like RunTV. 

One great feature is in-workout messaging. Have a social event planned in your community center? Advertise it in an in-workout message! It will pop up on your resident’s screen as they’re working out. If they didn’t know about it before, they know about it now!

Technology has transformed engagement. By including networked fitness in your offering, you’re attracting residents to increase usage of the fitness room, maximize your investment, create new and unique experiences, and build a sense of community and connectedness. 

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What Is It?

Modernized fitness moves now shies away from the crowdedness of too much selectorized strength equipment and favors a more open floor plan. Providing open spaces for stretching and functional training is the way to accomplish this. 

Including open spaces encourages gathering. A couple people will be stretching at the same time and strike up a conversation. A few in the building decide to exercise in a HIIT circuit using functional accessories. Create a space that promotes fitness as a social activity

We are experts at building a space for your unique needs and goals. We know how to create a space ideal for strengthening a sense of community and engaging your members. We’d love the opportunity to hear from you and start a conversation about your goals! Ready to get started? Fill out the form and see our solutions at


CFE EVENT: BattleFit at Turtle Bay
